As the Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service, SBDDesktop.exe is also known as Microsoft Outlook or is developed by Intel Corporation, which is also a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation. We have seen about 31 different instances of SBDDesktop.exe in different locations. So far, we have not received any alerts about this product. Here are a few simple strategies you can use to resolve Sage SBDDesktop.exe stopped working issues. We'd recommend that you seek the advice of an expert if you don't feel very confident about following the noted procedure.
Cause of Sage SBD Desktop.Exe Has Stopped Working Error?
If you encounter one of the accompanying causes for the Sage sbddesktop.exe error, your system has been affected by the error.
- At the point when the document has been infected with a virus, this might prompt an issue.
- Because of confronting issues during the establishment of the Sage software.
- Failed to run a system filter with Speed Up My PC.
Fix SBDDesktop.exe Has Stopped Working Error
Now that you know the reasons for the Sage 50 SBD Desktop error, it's time to apply the solutions listed below.
Solution 1: Run as an Administrator
To resolve the Sage 50 SBD Desktop Error, the user simply needs to do one thing.
- The Sage 50 application shortcut on the user's workstation desktop must first be right-clicked
- Right-clicking on the shortcut and selecting options will reveal a little menu
- Next, choose "Run as administrator" from the menu
- Sage will launch on the user's computer with administrator rights when this option is selected
- As a final step, you can check if the Sage 50 SBD Desktop error has been resolved, and if not, move on to the next step.
Solution 2: Try to login using another username
Users can log into their company's data by entering a different username and password.
- The user can log in using the manager's login information
- This is usually how Sage SBD Desktop issues are resolved
- The user must either create a new username or remove the criteria files for the user who suffered from the error if the problem is fixed.
Solution 3: Try renaming the license files
The user will only be able to locate the licensing files if and only if they have previously used the software on those workstations. The following procedures can be followed by users to rename license files:
- Sage Accounting must be closed before closing
- The SDK License folder must now be renamed
- Data path to the folder will look like this: C: Program DataSageSDK License
- Once the user reaches the data path, they need to rename the folder to C: Program DataSageSDK License OLD. instead of the original name
- Afterwards, the user must rename the folder C: Program DataSageAccounts1> and move it to the following location on their computer:
- After reaching the aforementioned data path, the user needs to delete the Sage.usr file from the folder
- The user may also be required to delete the account number from the register at this point
- If an account number needs to be deleted from the registry, users can use the actions listed below.
The user might also be required to remove the account number from the registry. If necessary, users can follow these steps to do so:
- You must simultaneously press Windows + R on your keyboard
- Once this is done, the Run command application will start running on the user's workstation
- Before clicking OK, Regedit must be entered into the Run command window
- In the left pane, find HKEY_CURRENT USERSoftwareSageLine 50
- After double-clicking on the Account Number, the user must locate and delete all the contents of KEY_CURRENT_USER Software Sage Line 50 from the left pane before clicking "OK".
- Before clicking on the OK button, the user can now click on the File menu
- After successfully deleting the contents, the user must reopen the app to see if the problem persists.
The methods covered in this article are among the most reliable solutions for Sage 50 SBDDesktop.exe Error troubleshooting. For assistance in resolving a technical issue, please contact the Sage Helpdesk Team. In case you have further questions about Sage 50 software or need assistance with Sage 50 SBD Desktop Error troubleshooting, we will be in touch with you shortly.